Let go

It’s that time of year again. The nights are long, we have more time for introspection This is the time I start to hear a lot of talk about the future. We often focus on what we want to change about our selves; habits we want to cultivate, projects we want to begin, weight we want to lose. But we often forget that psychologically, we need to make some space in our mental landscape to allow these new seeds to germinate. I think about letting go like weeding my garden. Before each new planting season, and during the growth period too, I need to get down in the weeds, pull them up, and fertilize the soil so that the plants will grow strong and their fruit will be plentiful. We can do the same with our physical, mental and emotional selves. Take some time to kick back and muse a little over what you know serves you well, and what you would be better off letting go of in your life. The best stuff you probably know intuitively. I like to make a physical list. Letting go is very different from repressing. It’s a different feeling. Its liberating and light. It is not denial or repression. It’s like stepping into a lighter brighter you. Give it a try and tell me what you discover.